

Langenzersdorf Museum



Land : schafft Denk : Raum


24. Jan. - 25. Feb. 2024


Obere Kirchengasse 23, A-2103 Langenzersdorf

Europäische Allianz der Akademien

Arbeitsgruppe Klimaveränderung



Mein Beitrag als BV Mitglied ist das Bild links, mit entsprechendem Text über Waldbrände.

Das Bild ist als Reaktion auf die Waldbrände in Indonesien im Jahr 2019 auf Sumatra entstanden. Sumatra Elefanten sind vom Aussterben bedroht.

Gallery Rossocinabro


October 7 - 19, 2023


Group Exhibition

"MENDING past and future intertwine"

for the XIX Contemporary Day promoted by AMACI

(Associazione dei Musei di Arte Contemporanea Italiani)

 Berufsvereinigung der bildenden Künstler Österreichs:

    Ausstellung "Feuer verzehrt - Wasser ernährt "


2. Okt. 2022 - 8. Okt. 2023


Alte Schieberkammer
Meiselstraße 16-20

1150 Wien


Künstlerbund Klosterneuburg

 Ausstellung "HORIZONTE"


5. - 22. Oktober 2023


Schloss Fischau, 2721 Bad Fischau


Kreativprojekt "VIELFALT" 

Volksschule Enzersdorf - Margarethen



Donnerstag, 27. April 2023 um 16 Uhr


VS Instagram

VS Facebook

VS YouTube


Künstlerbund Klosterneuburg



20. - 22. Jan. 2023



Liebknechtg. 32, 1160 Wien



Mag. Elisabeth Micka, Obfrau des KBK

Kurator: Daniel Sommergruber

Musikalischer Auftakt: Tobias Resch

 Berufsvereinigung der bildenden Künstler Österreichs:

    Ausstellung "EIGENE SICHT DER DINGE"


25. Nov. 2022 - 18. Jan. 2023


Eröffnung:Bezirksrat Friedrich Nikolaus Ebert


    Kunstsalon Schönbrunn

Schloss Schönbrunn, Ovalstiege 40

1130 Wien

Künstlerbund Klosterneuburg

Ausstellung "WAS UNS BEWEGT"


Juni 11 - 29, 2022


Begrüßung: MSc Kurt Schirmer, Kulturstadtrat
Eröffnung: Mag. Elisabeth Micka, Obfrau des KBK



3130 Herzogenburg

Group Exhibition DANTE ALIGHIERI AWARD 2021

opening by the President Angela Chiassai,

Godmother of the event Princess Ginevra Giovanelli

Councilor for culture Giulia Silvia Ghia present


December 3 - 13, 2021

Gallery La Pigna

Catholic Union of Italian Artists - Rome section, ITALY

Gallery Rossocinabro


October 25 - 30, 2021

Group Exhibition "RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW"
part or RAW (Rome Art Week)


18 January - 11 February, 2022

Group Exhibition "be inspired by the multiplicity"

"Healt and the Climate and Ecological Emergency" -> still online!!

Group Exhibition in


The Street Gallery,

University College Hospital

In order to reduce carbon emissions from transport the art works from outside of the UK will be displayed in a virtual gallery setting.


  August 24 - October 20, 2021

London, UK

UCLH quote:

"The Healthcare Arts Collective and UCLH Arts and Heritage are launching an exhibition on Health and the Climate and Ecological Emergency.


Our way of life, including the provision of healthcare, is harming the planetary life support systems that we rely on. Radical change is needed. We will increasingly need to adapt to managing physical and mental illnesses caused by ecological degradation while also reducing our environmental footprint and trying to prevent any further damage. Does this challenge provide an opportunity to tackle inequalities and build healthier, more resilient communities? Can we address the issues of intergenerational and global injustice that are raised by current levels of consumerism and use of resources? What vision of the future do we hold? Can we find ways of living which protect both the planet and our health?


Our response to this crisis may vary: from measured expressions of hope through to feelings of despair. Art is one way of articulating and processing these feelings and of sharing envisaged solutions." To read more click here.


International Exhibition of Contemporary Art & Design


October 23 - 31, 2021

at Fortezza da Basso in Firenze, Italy,

under the high patronage of European Parliament


Group Exhibition in

one of the most iconic buildings of Athens’ historical city center

Cultural Organization “BIOS”


 organized by

The Holy Art Gallery


13 – 17 September 2021

Pireos 84, Athens 104 35, Greece


Zurich, CH



August 25 - 29, 2021



Group Exhibition in

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery

 Curator Martina Viesti


23 July – 3 August 2021




(two physical multimedia galleries)


Virtual Exhibition in

The Holy Art Gallery

London, UK



24 – 30 July 2021

Group Exhibition in

Gallery Marziart


Curator Marion Zimmermann


25 June – 21 July 2021



Group Exhibition

Galleria La Pigna


Curator Monica Ferrarini


Mai 7 - 14, 2021

Palazzo Maffei Marescotti



"Nothing really matters"

Group Exhibition in

 Rossocinabro Gallery


Curator Cristina Madini


15 March – 2 April, 2021

 ROME, Italy


 Group Exhibition in Galería Gaudí


March 18 - 25, 2021



Catálogo PDF Reflejos de sol y luz.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.8 MB

DAGAZ Art Networking February 2021

Art Atelier Gallery, ES


3D Virtual Art Exhibition

February 12 - March 25, 2021

Catalogo DagazArt Second Life Febrero 20
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 6.9 MB

Collective Art Exhibition

Van Gogh Art Gallery


October 27 - November 27, 2020

Madrid, Spain

Art Marbella 2020

Galería Gaudí


September 24 - October 3, 2020 

Marbella, Spain


Swiss Art Expo Digital



August 20-24, 2020

Zürich, CH

For catalogue see:


Artbox Publish


Herausgeber : ARTBOX.GROUPS GmbH

Sprache : Englisch, Deutsch

Gebundene Ausgabe : 16 Seiten

ISBN-10 : 3038995703

ISBN-13 : 978-3038995708


Swiss Art Expo, Artbox Project Zürich 2.0



August 20-24, 2020

ZURICH, Switzerland